Molecular Diagnostics
Our university has the Institute for Molecular Bioscience as outstanding research institute located at The University of Queensland, in Brisbane, Australia.
The IMB's mission is to decipher the information contained in the genes, proteins and molecules of humans, animals and plants.
Since its establishment in 2000, the IMB has earned a reputation as one of the Asia Pacific region's leading research institutes. By understanding the development process and aspects that go awry in complex diseases, IMB aims to develop pharmaceutical and cellular therapies, technologies and diagnostics to prevent or treat such diseases.
In addition, through studying both animals and plants, the IMB wishes to pursue other opportunities for applying our understanding of genetic programming and molecular architecture, which has the capacity to transform and create new industries in biology, information technology, green energy and agriculture.
Tailor-made treatments the focus of latest childhood brain cancer researchTailor-made treatments the focus of latest childhood brain cancer research
Study could explain why ovarian cancer treatments failStudy could explain why ovarian cancer treatments fail
IMB scientist honoured by the American Peptide SocietyIMB scientist honoured by the American Peptide Society
Driven by Excellence
Teachers are selected among experts of the Genomics of Development and Disease Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine Chemistry & Structural Biology
Lachlan Coin Kirill Alexandrov Paul Alewood
Mat Francois Brett Collins Rob Capon
Sean Grimmond George Muscat Matt Cooper
Ben Hogan (Co-Division Head) Rob Parton David Craik
Peter Koopman Kate Schroder David Fairlie (Division Head)
Nathan Palpant Jenny Stow Ben Hankamer
Joseph Powell Matt Sweet Glenn King
Mark Ragan (Co-Division Head) Rohan Teasdale Richard Lewis
Kelly Smith Mike Waters Jenny Martin
Ryan Taft Alpha Yap (Division Head) Mark Smythe
Carol Wicking Irina Vetter
Brandon Wainwright
Experienced Molecular Biolologists in their fields of excellence.

What makes us different?
Expression Genomics Laboratory
Institute for Molecular Bioscience, Uni of QLD.
The Active Genome
The Transcriptome is defined as the full complement of RNA transcripts expressed in a cell or tissue, in a particular time and space. We study the Transcriptome rather than the Genome as it is easier to decode and because its dynamics can be used to infer which biological pathways are actively expressed in a biological process of pathological state.
The central focus of the IMB Expression Genomics lab is to survey genome, transcriptome and epigenome content and define the underlying molecular events controlling biological processes and pathological states.
This systems-wide approach is being used to:
i) identify the key genes driving specific processes
ii)define novel layers of control guiding biological states
iii) reveal the full repertoire of molecular events that promoting cancer initiation and progression, and
iv) provide a rich resource for studying mammalian genome biology (transcriptional complexity, miRNA-mRNA networks, the role of retrotransposons and non-coding RNAs, RNA editing).
The laboratory comprises of a multi-disciplinary group of bioinformaticians, molecular biologists, developmental biologists, and biochemists, who are working at the intersection of systems biology, transcriptomic and emerging high-throughput technologies.